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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why is sweating when you sleep at night?

Night sweats are a common thing you overestimated dressed or the way your room warm. If such a condition is not yet over and the sweat is quickly if you speak the warm atmosphere of the hot flash is nothing to do.

If you feel too hot, it can be many reasons, such as ...

Hormones :
It can also be caused by menopause and PMS. Night sweats, hormonal changes, may be due to imbalances or deficiencies in the body. Sweating at night is not a problem only to women but men also may be.

This problem needs to undergo tests to detect hormones. Marajo Nivritti or Andropoj to recover because of hormones that improve your diet and vitamins, minerals, herbs and other Nutrients can be helpful.

Bacterial or viral infections :
If bacterial or viral infection, he may come to know the blood cell count. If the body's white blood cells will increase the viral infection. Similarly, increases the neutrophil bacterial infection.

Medication side effects :
The side effects of antidepressants and anti-diabetic drugs may also sweating at night. If you are having a problem lowering or changing medication, ask your doctor.

Cancer :
Sweating at night because cancer may be an indication. But also sudden weight loss, fatigue, loss of hair, or swelling in the lymph nodes is common.

Hypoglycemia :
Drop in blood sugar from going to bed at night sweating. Adrenals of liver and blood sugar should always be balance.

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