Saying that talent is not confined to any age. It proved to December 22, 1887 from the Madras Erode, a small town 400 km away 0 born a great mathematician. The mathematician lived just 33 years of age, but even in this young age he was in mathematics such vital installations, which the whole world became amazed. The great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan's name.
Ramanujan was born in a poor Brahmin family. His father did for a living temple Veda text. In addition, the task of writing a bestseller of the ledger used.
Ramanujan's early education at the age of 05 began by Tamil. They were childhood acumen. That's why he has topped the exams. At that time his age was 10 years. His talent earned him a scholarship from the school. But the overwhelming interested in mathematics because they have failed to test Inter first year, which was closed and they could not read their scholarship.
Ramanujan's mind since childhood mathematics was extremely trends. They have heard of math puzzles, used to entertain his peers. His talent can be gauged from the fact that when they were in seventh, then your neighborhood BA The boy was taught mathematics. Following his studies in connection with Ramanujan mathematics research began to stay at home. His parents were extremely frustrated by it. So in 1909 he made Janaki Devi married with Ramanujan.
Ramanujan after marriage problems standing in front of a home run. At a time of Nellore Collector R. Diwan Bahadur. Ramachandra Rao of their full support. Ramanujan to help them in the Madras Port Trust Office has received 30 rupees monthly job and his life was cut comfortably.
Ramanujan at the age of 23 of an article published in a journal of mathematics. Madras read to him by Monsieur Grifith Syringing college professor Cambridge University Professor GH Hardy was inspired to write the letter. He also sent some of his theorem, Prof. Hardy advised
Pro. Hardy were the well-known mathematician. He immediately recognized his talent by Ramanujan's theorem. He was convinced that if the boy some basic math to find information, so it created a stir in the field of mathematics can. Pro. Hardy and Ramanujan had not only encouraged but also sent to London by his personal efforts.
March 17, 1914, thanks to the tireless efforts of Dr. Hardy Ramanujan sailed for England. There he prof. Hardy and these pro. Directed by Litilvud enrolled at Trinity College and began his studies.
Ramanujan was born into a religious family. He was a man of law. In a country like England very cold morning rose bathed by the rules. They were pure vegetarian person and garlic until onion is not only refrained from tomatoes. Because of this habit of eating their food had to make himself well. The side was that they did not want too much time was lost in all.
Ramanujan spent a short time in England has its undef-in-. He studied mathematics under the direction of Prof. Hardy 0 kin had several installations, various papers were published between 1914 and 1916. The research has moved from the whole world. In view of their qualification on 28 February 1918 by the Royal Society awarded her its member. Shortly after the incident, Trinity College elected by their fellow.
One of Ramanujan slim body, the London extremely cold weather, the lack of proper food. The tuberculosis surrounded by Ramanujan. By that time, there was an effective cure for tuberculosis. Just relax and proper medical care could have saved them. But the obsession of Ramanujan's mathematics had him sit in peace. That his health was deteriorating and therefore had to return to India on 27 February 1919.
Ramanujan's health had deteriorated so far. Doctors advised him complete rest. But how Ramanujan remain good, except for math? As a result of his illness has continued to increase, April 26, 1920, located on the banks of the river Cauvery Kodumondi village died at the tender age of 33 years.
Ramanujan year from 1903 to 1914, before moving to Cambridge, had written mathematical theorem 3,542. He later these notebooks Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay (Mumbai), published by. These notes mathematician at the University of Illinois Professor Bruce C. 0. Bernadt 20 years of research and their research paper published in five volumes.
Ramanujan was a remarkable mathematician. Pathological lying, lying on his bed during the mathematical solution to the designs used. Once they were hospitalized Pro. Hardy came to see them. Hardy showed up in the cab of his no. Was 1729 (7 X 13 X 19). Pro. Hardy was the unlucky number. Ramanujan hear it Spoke is the smallest number that we add two cubic numbers are expressed in two ways:

Ramanujan's mathematical genius idea can be gauged from the fact that he died after having spent almost 90 years, his many remain unsolved theorem. His tribute to the genius of the Indian government in 2012 to commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of the 'National Mathematical Year "is celebrated as the Nishcy. His birthday every year (December 22) 'National Mathematics Day' will be celebrated as well.
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